Monday, July 26, 2010


It was a wonderful place to spend my birthday, a gorgeous home with a walk right below to the beach. It was so good to be there with my family have fun and watch others enjoying the sun and water. I tried to walk to the swing but developed a bad headache and shortness of breath. Gosh darn I was feeling like a young thing! I enjoy seeing the children etc. enjoying the day so that was excellent. Thanks Rick for making the long drive from Chase B.C. Hope your term paper is finished and in the mail.

Today I have to have answers for the internist, I am the one with the questions how can I answer his? I never remember dates and right now I am feeling so good I wish I did not have to go. Dad is insisting on answers so I am going along with the process. We will probably both feel better when the answers are you are just fine and your age is catching up with you.

One answer I have found is that you cannot compare yourself to others.

I am getting more forgetful as I forgot my purse and my camera and my change of clothes at the beach house. I like the new bag dad bought me but I needed a huge bag to put everything in or else I need some one to question me and ask me "Mom, do you have your purse?"
Have you forgotten something?"

So guys it is your turn to question me. Can you remember?


Anonymous said...

Sure, I will add you of my list to check off when I am gathering all of my stuff together. And you know, if you cancel the Dr. appointment because you are feeling well, the very next day you will feel sick again!

Anonymous said...

Sandra's right. Plus you have lost too much weight!



Anonymous said...

im glad you enjoyed your birthday. it was nice to see everyone all together. craig thinks grandpa drives too fast. i think craig just drives too slow-leah

Anonymous said...

I love your comments!
love mom and gramma