Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There is a time and a place where you should ask questions; like in the doctor's office for instant. After being listened to me breath and blow into a machine the very serious doctor suggested I have three tests. Two for my lung capacity which may just be the best it can be and one for the heart. Where these just routine tests or was there a reason he was advocating them? And what exactly where they?
Of course hours later I start questioning! !

Yesterday as I was walking at 7:30 a young man caught up to me. He wanted to show me his Kobo Reader and started talking about all the books he had read and now he would be able to read them on his reader. We talked about some books, the classics and the modern ones like Harry Potter and Dan Brown. When I said I did not really like Dan Brown he started to question me. I was amazed at this young man with all his questions, very deep and thoughtful. I often find young people today do not know how to ask questions even in conversation. When we parted he gave me his phone number and said he would like to have coffee, but I found when I got home I had lost it.

It is not often you meet someone so young and so well read and so full of questions.

Life is full of questions especially about suffering and good and evil and why does God not do something. Of course we know that we are the ones that have been called to make this world a better and more peaceful place.

Jesus answered each question very simply because he knew the questions behind the questions. Who are you they wanted to know? What can I do to save my life from the mess I am in? Can I be healthy? Are you like the real God or is God like you?

There are moments in my day when my mind becomes quiet and the questions do not matter and I exist in the flow of love that surrounds me. Questions can be painful and to regain my peace and inner strength I disengage myself from that inner voice that doubts and questions continually.


Anonymous said...

Wow mom, 73 years old and still having young men handing you their phone numbers!Carol and I have a lot to live up to.
Oh yah, and were you able to answer any of his questions?

Merry Sunshine said...

Isn't it funny how people come in to your life for a few the young man today...and gave you food for thought...and now he is gone. Each day is full of little blessings and sometimes large blessings...sometimes they are so small that we have to be especially open to receiving them. Beth you open your heart to them all!
By the way, love the pic of the looks to be the white phlox "David" to me. I have one too.