Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It is cool in the morning so I am glad I have these warm slippers to warm me up, they are part of a birthday present from Melina and Ken. It is cooler at our house as a breeze seems to blow right across our front door which is wonderful on warmer days and makes dad's shade deck a perfect place to sit.

Did some shopping yesterday and found just what I was looking for so that feels good. The drive into New Westminster to get some gluten-free bread was very calm. We have seen some near misses lately and some crazy drivers.

Dad's ankle is giving way at times so we will be phoning the doctor today. I will not take no for an answer. My old friend nausea is back and I seem to be super sensitive to any gluten even in rice chips that may contain flour. Rice chips should be okay one would think. Some things we just have to live with but we both have to do all we can to keep healthy. We are going to put on our running shoes and go through the water-shed park today. I will do a short early morning walk first before sleep-head wakes up.

Reading a very deep book about a Jewish philosopher who had become an atheist after bad childhood experiences and entering the academic world. He was forced to look into all religions as he was asked to teach a course on religion at a time when he needed a job. Words had become his god who he choose to believe did not exist. As he began reading at first nothing seem to touch his heart but he found himself asking questions about his old beliefs.

Starting with the Old Testament he found "it all so empty,
so fundamentally irrelevant
to the drama of living, suffering, loving, dying."

His first year of teaching he felt went dismally and it wasn't until he discovered a book called "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism"

"Language in its purest form, that is Hebrew, according to the Kabbalists, reflects the spiritual nature of the world, in other words,it has a mystical value. Speech reaches God because it comes from Him."

God is speaking to us in nature and in our experiences and in our deepest inner thoughts.

We can be free from the moral demands of dogma, rituals and formulas to find freedom in the whole universe expressing "Reality and Goodness" "Truth and Love" as ancient teachers like Plato had discovered. I for years took the scriptures as literal but am now discovering a new way to the world of the soul that becomes as real as the material world we live and move and breath in.

I find the mystery and meaning of life colourful because although we desire love and peace we will always struggle with the darkness of failure, doubt, hate and betrayal, fear and death. Violence will not solve our problems but seeking to understand each other and realize that they are where they are because that is where they were meant to be. This I learned from Pearle. The mind has amazing ability to keep us questioning and seeking answers that are waiting for us to discover.


Anonymous said...

I dont know, the mind with its constant questions and nattering really can just be a bit much sometimes. I guess that is why you turn to prayer and I turn to my garden.

Anonymous said...

The days are cold here. The sun stays out a few more minutes a day now . Enjoy your walk in the forest.