Thursday, July 22, 2010


A colourful mushroom grows on the side of this old fallen log and gives beauty deep in the heart of the forest. Dad and I stop to admire it; at this time we are actually together.

Today I woke up feeling especially good and full of hope. The morning is dull and even though I got these new sateen, cotton sheets that are suppose to help with your body temperature while you are sleeping, I still found I was either hot or cold during the night.

I also bought the book "Women, Food and God" now that is a crazy title. Evidently it is very popular and having Oprah recommend it is a big plus. I have just read a few lines but am amazed how similar we all are. We may have different reasons for the crazy things we do but food becomes a comfort or a way to control our lives.

Sometimes I get so tired of reading all the labels and being so careful about every crumb I eat. Yesterday along with my sheets I bought some yummy food that I can snack on. I turned to God early in life without a lot of expectations. I did not then or now expect to find happiness in the answers to my prayers. Today it is like a parent or a teacher that says I have taught you what you need to learn; now go and learn how to do it yourself.

There have been times when I have felt hopeless and yet there are the times when I am able to find a quiet calmness within from which hope grows like the mushroom that found the right log to feed off of and be apart of. I am glad there is a book that is full of honest humor that addresses some of the issues that we all need to work on.

Today I am walking in "my" woods with Murphy, the dog, and Cathy. Since her husband has been released from hospital we have not had a walk together. It will be a good time to talk and catch up on how they both are doing. There were times when they both felt so hopeless and even now the recovery is so slow. But now there is HOPE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And are you taking your phone with you on todays walk? And have you put it on vibrate yet since you never hear it? I was thinking of stopping by after work...I will call later though.