Friday, July 23, 2010


Even in the forest full of trees, tall and stately, surrounding us the light shines through and fills our souls with awe. Romance is seeing the light in the forest of our lives and creating time to enjoy being with some one you love.

Romance fills the world with beauty and awe. We all need romance in our lives, even when we get old and gray. As I look at the pictures of weddings that Theresa has taken and look at the pictures of Jane's wedding it takes me back to the days when you fall in love with love and all things seem possible. We are willing to become vulnerable and place our lives in the hands of another. We come with our dreams of being cherished and loved in the way we see as loving. But the dreams fade and the moments of feeling cherished and loved are taken captive by the harsh reality that is life. They may vanish completely and become unreal even as the presence of God seems to have left us alone and lost. Losing the comfort of faith and the promise of happiness is very difficult, and yet in the place of emptiness we can now discover a new strength growing in us.

I am glad I married someone with a romantic heart because life gets so full of stress, frustration, disappointments and failures. Romance now becomes a little kiss or holding hands or sitting close to watch a D.V.D. or walking in the forest and seeing beauty together.

The Sufis describe "Three Journeys of the Spiritual Path". the journey from God, the journey to God and the journey in God. Like our journey through life we leave the security of home to start a fairy tale life that will meet all your needs. You turn to finding satisfaction in work or raising your children or obtaining things of material value. The trouble is that we can lose who we really are and we lose our passion for life and happiness. This is a difficult place to be in because we do not want to face either our unhappiness or are need to change. We question our old beliefs and face our disappointment with the presence we call God. We are all vulnerable.

The miracle is that we can then be open to amazing life-changing moments.


Anonymous said...

Viva Le Tour , only three days to go . Did the satin / cotton sheets work ? Ken

Anonymous said...

Yes, dad is watching the last part every day. I usually am out walking by then when it is still cool.

Yes, we really like our cotton sateen sheets and the good things is that we really needed some new ones.

Hope to talk to you soon.
love mom