Saturday, July 24, 2010


Kim, one of our awesome grandchildren, spends some time with dad and I. She has made wonderful plans to go to a cabin up by Hope where I will be celebrating my birthday. The day should be perfectly awesome because of the beautiful place and it has special memories of us as that is one of the first lakes we discovered in B.C. We stayed in a very rustic cabin and since it was in the fall it was very cold at night. It was a great adventure for us as we wandered around the lake, the only people there ao it was very quiet. Dad saw the rushing river with all the stones and thought one day he would go looking for gold. And yes, in later years, he staked a claim but I think it had already been panned.

Yesterday, dad and I set off to the Watershed parks, which is acres of land with many, many paths running through. It was good we took some drinks with us as in stead of losing each other we ended up getting completely lost. We had a cell phone but how would we tell anyone where we where when we had no idea ourselves. We had wandered off onto the bike paths and nearly got run over by speeding bikers, so young and intent on their daring rides across logs and over jumps. Amazing!

I am off with Murphy and Cathy this morning so between her and the dog we will not get lost. I spent the evening in the shade deck reading as dad watched football. There was a gentle breeze and since it is right in the tree it is very private.

I am reading the chapter "Beyond the Hollow Mind:The Idea of God."
"The idea of God apparently so simple [or is it?] was brought to humanity-who knows by whom-in order to guide human beings through the vast tunnels and labrinths of individual and communal life." It is so easy to get lost in the busy distractions of life and not take time to meditate on the meaning of life, of death, of birthdays, of family, of friends of nature and sickness and health. All of us have the need to love and to be loved.

We sing the song "They will know we are Christians by our love" but even those of us with good intentions can be so darn unlovable at times. The idea of God as we trace it through the scriptures embraces all of life, the good and the bad. We will continue to learn about God as we stumble upon the path of life and we will continue to learn about ourselves. They mystery is that as we discover the love of God for us we also discover the power of His love to restore and revive us.

I put my book down as I am reading in the shade deck and get out my journal as I want to write down my own thoughts. Yes, the very word "God" can have different meanings for each one of us, and in fact can mean just about anything one wants it to mean. Over the years the study of philosophy and the study of science have helped us in this journey of the mind. Faith calls us to open our hearts and to fill the hollow emptiness with love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess the next thing we will have to get you and dad are tracking beacons, I think hikers use them when going into the woods. Yes, tommorrow should be perfect, lots of family and food and sunshine what could be better?