Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I had thought about going on the ferry to see Donna and Ron with Theresa and the children.  This morning I am more than content to stay home.  Oliver phoned yesterday just before he arrived to say he was coming for a visit.  It was great to see him but I was unprepared and it takes me time to get ready for people.  He will be leaving with Theresa this morning.  It will be a nice time for the children to be there if the new baby lambs are born.

I missed my class on process theology so I guess I am being left behind that too.  But I have the book and can read along.  The Book is called "Living From the Center" by Jay McDaniel and it is about Spirituality in an Age of Consumerism.  He starts by explaining we can know God in our daily life through discernment, sacramental awareness. openness, to healing, living-by-dying, trust in open space, deep listening, courage in suffering, creativity and loving kindness.  These could be a chapter each in stead of the first chapter.  In the second chapter he does present in more detail discernment and sacramental awareness.

Some very deep thoughts that I will process slowly during this week.

The rain was falling gently on my neighbor yesterday morning when we had our walk together.  I cannot tell if it is raining this morning.


Anonymous said...

Oh he is so wonderful ! I always think he and my Davcotah look similar I do see a lot of his momma though in this close up ☺
Beth I was just writing about discernment last night !
I am feeling the need to be alone , whhich is posing a bit of a struggle for me at the time because I of course need to also be social with the boys but I am very tired spiritually and feel in need of rest and alone time with God.
not quite sure how it is going to happen yet ;-)
Thank You for posting that wonderful pic of your wonderful grandson ☺

Anonymous said...

Oliver looks good, but a little tired? I bet he is looking forward to going to see his mom and Kimberly. Yes it was raining on my way in to work this morning. Oh, and I finaly did it, ran a hose up the stairs so I could have a bath. One of the best baths I have ever had! Love my new tub and cant wait for it all to be finished. Sandra