Monday, March 28, 2011


My dad valued this very old treasured vase that was sent over from England.  As it turns out it is only a copy but this does not make it any less valuable to me.

Most of us value the same things in life like fairness and honesty, family and friends.  But do we value our uniqueness?  There is a life force within us which has been called the will to live.  Can I love life as much now as when I felt I was contributing more and feeling more useful.  It does worry me that I am getting more forgetful and less sure of myself.  Sometimes I feel a sadness and I do not really know why.  I will cry at a story on T.V. that I know is not real and yet it touches something in the depths of my soul.

I wanted to take a longer walk to capture the picture of the cherry blossoms on the other side of No. 10 but only made it half-way.  I am thankful that I can walk and dad and I had planned on going to church yesterday and then walking through the Water-Shed Park.  I enjoy it when we can go together.  But his feet, especially his big toe where very painful and he also had a stomach ache.

I value the bloom blossoms that come out so early in our spring.  They remind me of  the value of survival and keeping strong even when they the weather can still turn very cold and it may even snow.  Even though they are very delicate they are strong.

I think we should value all of life from the very young to the very old, the weak and the strong.

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