Thursday, March 24, 2011


 The day started promising with the sun shining.


When I arrive home I always put the car in drive, I mean park , put on the emergency brake and take out the keys and usually lock the car door

But I didn't.

I was feeling dizzy after coming from the church and was just so glad to get home I forgot to do anything except turn off the car.  Fortunately the neighbor boy came knocking at the door to inform me, with a big grin on his face, my car had rolled out into the middle of the road.  I am just thankful that I had not caused any accidents.

Spring was in the air and after some lunch and a wee  nap I was able to keep my promise to take Jim his chocolate chip cookies.  His life is so very bleak and depressing and there is little one can do to lift his spirits.
I met a new lady and she was delighted to have a visit.  She was expecting some one to come but they had not shown up.

I learn from these dear souls what a gift resiliency is and I hope that I will be able to resilient even if I am not gifted in other ways.  It is one of the spiritual gifts that continue to grace our lives with promise.

Spring is so full of promise.


Anonymous said...

Nice picture of the tulips mom. Was Jim happy to get his cookies? He is the guy that is sometimes grumpy, right?

beth bennett said...

Yes Jim was happy and could hardly wait for me to leave to eat them. I did not bake them this time they were the Safeway ones which I think are pretty good.
Hey it is Friday today isn't it?
love mom

Anonymous said...

i think you should put the car in park!

beth bennett said...

Yes, good idea Ken. I usually do and even put the emergency brake on.
Did you see what Carol did?
love mom