Thursday, March 10, 2011


I wake up to hear the sounds of the morning.  The dog barking excited to go for a walk, the paper lady puts the paper through the mail slot, the neighbor's car starts up, dad breathing quietly beside me,  and then I get up to look out to see if it is raining. No rain so far this morning but rain or shine I will go for my walk.  Then we are off to the eye lab. down town where dad has his tests.  He will not see the doctor till next week.  The cream his regular doctor is helping so that is good.

We will have lunch out so that makes it a nicer outing.

Came home after our Bible study at Colebrook and was resting when the door bell rang.  I was just to tired to answer it.  Usually it is some one selling something or asking for a donation.  I felt a twinge of guilt when it rang a second time; but our family uses knocks and walks in; as do our good friends if the door is open.

First I make my coffee and toast before being thankful for the day and the love that surrounds me.The daily news is so sad seeing innocent people being killed by guns and bombs.  Also the book I read about the young boy was depressing.  I think it was a blessing that the mother died as how would a mother face being shot by her son's hired gun man.  Again I am reminded how imperfect this world is; dreams can turn into nightmares and our bodies get tired and worn out and sometimes pain limits what we can do.  I would love to do more but to keep healthy I have to make choices about what I can do.

I had let the J.W. in for a visit in the morning and I do agree it is all about the kingdom of God which for me is all about love and welcoming the creative power of love of Jesus into our hearts daily.  A love that embraces all because we all need so desperately to feel loved.  Some call our church wishy washy but no one can call me wishy washy about my faith in Jesus Christ.  I am passionate about what I believe even though I will not go to his door and try to convince him his beliefs are wrong.
Jesus was truly human and yet his spiritual awareness gave him insights into the heart of his Father.  I use the word father and in it I include mother.  His love helps keep hope alive within me.  Heartbreak and misunderstandings have wounded most of us in some way and yet teaches us the true meaning of compassion and forgiveness.

As I drifted off to sleep last night I was thinking suffering knocks at our door and we are too fearful to answer it.  I wonder what today will teach me?  Maybe to be a little more patient, to use my energy wisely,, to laugh at myself [when I make the second trip to the store for the milk I went for the first time] and to listen to advise with an open mind. 

I am happy with who I am, wrinkles and all.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very horrible book you read mom. I prefer my murder to be fantasy and the bad guys get caught in the end. You know the parents of the boy who killed that girl in Delta? Makes my bathroom frustration seem so small and insignifigant compared to the pain those parents must be feeling. Funny weather, spring is certainly knocking on the door, but I think someone is too tired to get up and let it in.

beth bennett said...

Our close friends are close friends not us personally.

Love your comment I should quote you.

love mom