Tuesday, March 1, 2011


One look at the darkening sky tells the story of what to-morrow will be like.

It was suppose to get very windy last night but I did not hear any loud wind.  We are ready with our candles and our energy machine if the power goes out.  I think dad maybe hopes it will go out.
How did I feel when I got the news that my intestines were still unhealed?  I felt annoyed and frustrated because I have been making such a big effort.  I appreciated the doctor phoning me at home in the evening to gently tell me the news.  I was told when I was first diagnosed that it looked so damaged they, the doctors, were doubtful they would completely heal.  I was so happy to find out what was causing my miserable existence I did not really listen.

I did improve slowly and I put on weight and my blood was built up but I never got the energy that I longed for.  I tire easily like yesterday dad and I went to the store to so a big shopping and I felt so tired I walked home and let him finish.  But then the poor guy had no money to pay so he had a quick trip home to get his wallet.

I am facing the fact that I will never make the go go grannies [lol] and I am thankful that I have an understanding family who are helping me.  I got a book by Elizabeth Hazzeback who found out after she was on the Survivors that she had celiac because she felt better even though she was starving.  It helps to read her story and identify with all the problems she had in being diagnosed.

I am thankful for the good days and I will stop letting little things stress me and enjoy life! !

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."   Robert L. Stevenson.


Anonymous said...

We got one blast of wind around 1:30 last night, but none of the real fun stuff. Feeling any better today?

beth bennett said...

I was untill about noon. But I am getting rid of some junk looking for something so I will have lots to out out for the garbage to-morrow.

beth bennett said...

I was untill about noon. But I am getting rid of some junk looking for something so I will have lots to out out for the garbage to-morrow.

Anonymous said...

so does that mean you are not a coeliac? they always thought you could repair the damage with diet? so what now?
we are all sick here,vomiting and diarrea,hopefully only a two day thing.
ps Melina stayed home to look after me and Jassy

Anonymous said...

I really feel for you it is awful being so sick and I do hope you will be better soon but it takes so much out of you.

I am definitely a celiac but for some reason the more careful I am the more sensitive I seem to be.

No the only cure is diet and not getting over-tired and stressed. I am so thankful dad is so understanding because I get fed up with myself, especially when there seems to be no reason for the nausea, tiredness and bloating stomack.

We were planning to go visiting our sick friend in the hospital yesterday and I felt bad that I was too miserable to go. But we will go today!

I am reading Elizabeth Hasselback's book about celiac and getting some new ideas that are helpful.

love mom