Saturday, March 12, 2011


"Hypotatasis " a Greek word I believe that means mask or a facial expression; that can hide our inner, essential nature. How can I know or trust that a person is real and not wearing a mask?  Masks were worn many many years ago for the actors to wear in the play and I believe these masks would display different emotions.  Masks help us hide our true selves and also protect us from feeling another's pain. 

We are all very much human beings.  We are all locked up in our culture, our habits, our needs and even our fears.  None of us want to be rejected.  None of us want to be failures.  None of us want to be prejudiced.
None of us want to have disabilities. 

How can I become a better human being?  How can I become a more discerning person without being judgmental.

Jesus had harsh words for those he called hyprocrites who wore masks.  They looked and acted perfect on the outside but inside they were full of greed and self-indulgence; sinful and cruel.     Mathew 23:25   When Jesus called us to love one another it was not just to love those who are perfect, educated and well-behaved.  Love has to be given generously to those who are different than us; and especially to those who need help finding their own self-worth. 

Everyone is beautiful in their own way.  I wish I knew what to do when I see someone begging on the street.  I have to look away or if I look at them I sadly shake my head.  I am thankful there are those who have a ministry to people who are down and out.  Am I helping them by giving them money?  I think not.

 Maturing is to be willing to remove any masks that separates us from each other when we realize what we are doing.  This can be a slow process.
Martin Buber says that "with each person who comes into the world, there is something totally new and unique.. . . .It is this unique and exceptional quality that each person is called to develop."

Stayed home from church today feeling the symptoms of fatigue etc.  Did have a little walk as I feel the fresh air always is good for me and so is the exercise.

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