Sunday, March 6, 2011


This beautiful quilt made with patient love expresses the patchwork that makes us who we are.  We are all so different and yet in the end we are seeking love, and peace and food both spiritual and physical.

The Trinity cannot be put into words but can be created in a picture.

"One of the most famous icons of all times is the picture of the "Old Testament Trinity" based on the story of the three angels [messengers of God]  and Abraham.  But one can see it as the Trinity as the three angels approach in unity but aware of the presence of the other.

"There is no self hood in the Trinity; instead there is silence and self-forgetfulness".  The father has emptied his life by the power of the spirit into the son who then becomes the word.  The word will leave much unsaid so that the spirit must be our teacher as well.

"There is a light [a pure radiance]that shines on my soul that no place can contain,
a sound is uttered no time can take away,
a fragrance that no breath of wind can disperse,
a savior given forth that eating cannot blunt. . . . . .
this is what I love in loving my God."     -- Augustine writing in  "Confessions".

"As in God, the three different faculties_memory, understanding, and love_constitutes one life, one mind and one essence" within ourselves.  This activity in our minds is a pale reflection of the Spirit, the bond of love between the Father and Son."    --Karen Armstrong_  The Case For God.

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