Monday, March 14, 2011


Monday was a slow day with the rain hitting the widows with great splashes and me taking it easy with my sore throat, runny nose and aching bones.  I did try to tackle some mess that piles up in our spare room but did not get far.  Well, I did make a bigger mess so now I have to finish it.

I have come to realize that life will have to just fit in around how I am feeling.

Dad came home with his face all swollen after getting his tooth taken out and his bone cut.  The same as you Sandra.    There is a hockey game on tonight so that is good.  We have no good D.V.D's.  We will have to order some from the library.

To-morrow dad and I will drive into Vancouver to see the eye doctor.  I hope he is feeling okay in the morning.  He likes to drive and I do not.

Tuesday.  Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better and my throat has decided to do just that.  Kept me awake during the night which is no fun at all.  A hot drink sure feels good.  I am reading a cute story called "The Half-Broke Horse" by the girl who wrote the "Glass Castle".  I am so thankful to have a good book to read.

Seeing the devastation in Japan is unreal.  My heart goes out to them. 

One of the prayers we are encouraged to pray is to say yes to life,
yes to trails, yes to the truth and yes to love.
But I am tempted to say "no" to my walk this morning
maybe just a short one.


Anonymous said...

I will want to borrow that book after you read it, or is it a library book? Well, though dont know when I will have time to read a book, some time in April I am hoping.

Anonymous said...

How is Dad going after he eye test today ?

beth bennett said...

Read to-morrow's blog.