Thursday, March 3, 2011


There are so many beautiful places in my world that would be a joy to paint.

Yesterday was a a lovely morning for a walk in the woods.  Dad and I went into the Watershed Park from a different entrance, the one that you have to cross the railroad tracks, that say danger fast coming trains and through a hole cut in the chain fence.  We were looking for the artisan springs and I think I found the one I had found many months ago but then the water all around it was higher and it was shouting up much higher.
The sky was an amazing blue colour that is reflected in this little pond. 

You can walk all the way around the outside of this park and if you want a fast walk that is the way to go.
Although Ken you walk fast even on the trails.  Ahead of us where a couple with their dog who was having a great time chasing a ball and wagging his tail.

After a quick lunch which consisted of my strange menu of organic Quinoa, vegtables and fish that dad shared too; we went off to the hospital to visit Doug who hs been through a very difficult time after surgery.
The hospital is just a mess of sick people everywhere and we are so thankful just to be visiting.

Dad had had two pieces of pumpkin pie at lunch so going for a walk does make you hungrier but he was not hungry for supper but I was.  I was happy to finish my left overs and he had his soup later.

Today Jane and I will be reading at the World Day of Prayer which includes many churches and many countries.  It is written by the women of these country, this year Chili, and we learn about their culture as well as their faith.  They have such strong faith in the midst of their difficult circumstances. 

This service has all the different churches taking part and this year it is a bit confusing.  Jane and I have also confused ourselves by changing the parts we are taking turns reading.  Hopefully we will go up and down at the right places.  I have met such nice people at these services and I am reminded again of all the good people in this world and that my life has been touched by so many.

I came home to read "Rabbi Jesus" by Bruce Chilton which is difficult to read but I am finding that seeing the life of Jesus from a very Jewish point of view fascinating.  I understand why Jesus taught outside the synagogue and how his ministry differed from John the Baptist.  Bathing and baptizing had become a ritual that allowed people to enter the worship service after they had been washed.  Jesus would share a meal with outcasts and those who where called unclean because he believed in the purity that God saw within them which he also saw.  He truly did take down the religious barriers that those in high places had made into rituals.

Jesus opened the way to a simple path for any to see and follow and find the spirit of God.

" When our inner selves convert distinctions into a perceived right to dimish others,
 we are not on a Holy Path."  A.Shaia


Anonymous said...

Hm, you and Jane going up and down and reading passages. I think if some one takes a video this could be the next youtube sensation. I forgot to sleep with the pillow last night. Oh, and Mary and MJs car broke down last night, waiting to hear if it was just a frozen gas line as they were hoping. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Some one whould have to come along to video it.

Sorry about Mary and MJ's car.

I have been for my walk but dad is not even up yet.

Thanks for the laugh.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes we will be sensational! l find the world day of prayer is always an interesting and enlightening time.See you soon Beth. Jane

Anonymous said...

you will have to show me the spring when i next come over,