Saturday, December 22, 2012


                               The garden at Shirley's house where we had our luncheon.

Thinking and writing about my parents seems to keep my memories of them alive and real!

Yes I still have some precious memories of being a child at Christmas. There was usually snow and that meant a lot of playing outside. There was the extreme anticipation and sleeping Christmas Eve was impossible. I remember making cookies with mom and decorating them.  Sometimes licking a bowl from the cake making.  Yes, and singing together when we did the dishes, Just silly songs.

Helping dad wrap parcels to be sent to his sisters and to parents in England. He was a meticulous present wrapper and had beautiful hand writing.  Then there was ignoring my brothers teasing about whether I would get anything from Santa or not. It was the only time of year we had wine, or it may have been brandy,  in the home. The dining room table was set just so with mom's best china. A very tradition Christmas dinner and of course  with stockings hung on the mantel of our fireplace that was not real; a Christmas orange and candies  .Presents were ripped open as fast as we could until I got older and wanted to save the paper and ribbons.

We always played Bingo after dinner with little prizes.

Even church was filled with an excitement and joyous music.

Dad and I listened and watched a Christmas D.V.D. with all the Christmas music.
The sound filled the house.

"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree are the presence of a happy family wrapped up in each other.   --Burton Hills

Relationships Jesus would tell his disciples is what allows the love of God to shine into our hearts.
"God is not only in Me but dwells in all who will follow him."  John 14

  Paul tells us "You are sacred space, you are where the Divine One dwells."

My spiritual development began at an early age but I have had to continue to keep it alive and activated.  We each develop at our own pace to become spiritually aware.  I have noticed that people are friendlier, more open, more giving at this time of the year and I think because the spirit of Christmas is in the air.

Dad and I went out to do some Christmas shopping; actually he wants to buy me something, but we could not find just the right thing.  The traffic was bad and the parking worse, and the line ups long but people were friendly and helpful,  The joy of Christmas is thinking of others

Yes, Shawna Christmas is Coming!  I love getting presents don't you!


Sandra said...

I think my earlist Christmas memory was on Stevens Drive. Or it could have even been after Christmas. Just the snow. I guess I dont have any Christmas memories.OHHHHH, I remember fighting with Carol over shortbread I has made and they all got broken. Maybe that was at Christmas? I love presents too. Good thing because being married to Santa Claus he kind of goes over board. Sandra

Anonymous said...

This entry is a good one for the history books when you get it all printed and bound up. You should ask Uncle Brian to add his remembrances!

This would have been Christmas during WWII? Or just after?



Anonymous said...

During and just after.
love mom

Anonymous said...

I remember waking up Grandad and Nanna at 4am when they stayed over at Stevens Dr one Christmas and the fold out bed was next to the Christmas tree. It is 39c here today , needless to say Christmas just doesnt feel the same here.My little ones are very excited about their presents.We have Christmas pasta instead of turkey , which is great , but I do miss the turkey.I am working 1430-0000 on Christmas eve , Christmas and Boxing day.

Anonymous said...

I went for a walk at 6:30am , i was listening to CKNW and it was 2c and raining in Vancouver.It was 22c for my walk.

larry bennett said...

I think I prefere your weather Ken - are you on the bottom rung again as you changed positions?

My first memory of Christmas was when I was about three or four - I helped my Mom put the cookies and milk out for Santa - one of my mom's girlfriends came over for a visit - I was put to be - but I woke up about every hour to see if Santa had come - and check the cookies - about the third time when I woke i found Mom and my friend eating Santa's cookies - Iwent back to bed crying - sure Santa wouldnt come!

Shandel said...

I can remember back when i knew that Santa was not a real person but more the spirit and my little brother did not. When we stayed down stairs in my bedroom to maybe wait up and catch him putting presents out, i thought to myself i should let my brother find out ? or help him keep the thought alive. but i missed the chance and he saw my mom and dad putting presents under the tree. I will never forget the look on his face when he realized santa was in deed mom and dad! lol i was about 10 and Chris was about 7.

What a joyous afternoon yesterday,delivering gifts to the elderly in acute care at the hospital. It sure brought smiles to their faces to see us with gifts. They were surprised and their loved ones as well. Some were so ill they could not talk and others so happy they wanted to talk and talk and talk. Brightness comes in all shapes, sizes and so does love. Warmed my heart and reminded me of my late grandpa. <3 miss and love him every day.
Love you too Gramma Beth.

Anonymous said...

Not the bottom rung just the way the roster runs.... And next week 3am start on New Year's Day.
Jasmine cried doing the photo thing on Santas knee yesterday. A lady told her that that was the real Santa and she got scared.
