Monday, December 31, 2012


On our first date dad and I  drove around Saskatoon and looked at the Christmas display of lights. It was in dad's 37 green Packard Car with no back seat but a rumble seat.  I remember sitting on the back of the car with my best friend Lynn while the boys were in the front.  Yes those where the days,  Saturday we did the same thing in our neighborhood and delighted in the beauty we found.

Earlier we had gone looking for the snowy owls but only found eagles perched high above us with a superior wise look about them.

I was feeling awfully bad that I had not phoned my brother on Christmas Eve, but not only that it did not even cross my mind that night or on Christmas day.  Evidently he phoned here but did not leave a message.  I feel guilty and annoyed at myself.    Many, many years ago we had been closer when he and Traudl lived in Newton where he was stationed as a Mountie.  We celebrated several Christmas's together.  Now neither one of us like to travel and it has been many years since we have been together.  We keep in touch with our phone calls.

I know that guilt is an unhealthy feeling. 

"No man's really any good till he knows how bad he is,  or might be,  till he has got rid of all the dirty self-deception and squeezed out the last drop of the oil of the Pharisees."
--G. K. Chesterton.

It seems to be a part of of human nature to hurt those we love the most with an unkind word or selfish act.  This is often the gods of pride, arrogance, self-righteousness and self-pity working in our souls.  It is no wonder I am feeling shame and disappointment in myself.

So I confess and accept forgiveness from the grace that
 is God's heart towards us all.

The message of Jesus' words are that he did not come to judge or condemn us as sinners but open our eyes to see the wonder of God's unconditional love and hear the message of forgiveness, hope and new life.  Jesus came to be "a savior of boundless compassion, unbearable forgiveness, infinite patience and healing love."  Yes, he did at times get angry at those who abused others.

"what you did for those around you, you did for me".  Matthew  25:40

I am still learning.  I realize that I need to pray for the grace to become more loving.

         As I put away thoughts of Christmas I now put away thoughts of things I did not do.

           I am looking forward to putting up my new calender designed by Shawna.

                                Happy  Healthy and Hopeful New Year!


Anonymous said...

Guilt is not all bad, exspecaily if it leads to change. After all, we would want murders and theivs to feel guilty wouldnt we? I think it is because we had our Christmas get together on Christmas Eve it threw your reminder system off just that little bit and made you forget. I am personaly having a hard time remembering what day of the week it is since I have been off work for so long. Sandra

larry bennett said...

That was a lovely first date - with the loveliest girl in the world - although I must admit I was worried all the time that my 1937 Packard coupe would keep running.

Anonymous said...

I am at work on about 3 hours sleep. I went to bed at 9pm with fireworks going off , not a great sleep , until 1141pm when i got up and went outside with Melina , Nonna and the kids to watch fireworks . Then back to bed where I listened to the Canada / russia game before the alarm went off at 2am to go to work.... anyway the kids were happy to see the fireworks and the lasted until midnight.. HAPPY NEW YEAR ..
PS Canada won 4-1 , scored a empty

nancy-Lou said...

Larry, you and Beth are just so sweet...remembering your first date! How many years have you been married? When we were dating Carl had a 1949 Studebaker and many times it wouldn't start and we had to push and push it. Once we were married he graduated to an old hearse....which he drove up to the hospital door to pick up me and our new born son. We sure got the looks! I wish you both a healthy, peaceful New Year, with lots of family time. Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

What a coincidence Nancy-Lou - my next car was a 1949 studibaker - we drove it from Moose Jaw in 1954 through the worst blizzard to hit Sask. up to that time - was affraid to stop so passed a snow plow going up the deep Gully outside of Davidson - the windshield wippers stopped working about 30km from Saskatoon - all in all a very silly thing to do - but the Studdie got us through.