Saturday, December 1, 2012


I little touch of Christmas on my computer desk. Soon it will be time to tell the old favorite stories and to celebrate the good news. We are not alone and we are not in control but our own story is a part of the Big Story.

So after I write on my blog I quickly get ready to head out for my walk thinking how good it was that it had stopped raining so hard.  Halfway along the way the rain came pouring down again and boy did I get soaking wet.  A good excuse to put my warm pj's back on!

After I got warmed up we headed over to Sandra's house.  What a surprise she has been creating these magical small Christmas trees for the table centers at her work.  My children never cease to surprise me.

At the library there were a group on handi-capped people enjoying a visit there. I admired their teachers kindness and patience.  I meet all kinds of people everywhere I go, my fellow wayfarers.

Dad and I sat around a table with Robbie in her wheel-chair looking very tired with one of her fellow office workers. From the table we were sitting at you could look into the kitchen and see the chef making cookies.  The smell was just like home.

 Chuck and I compared our rashes which his doctor said were from stress.  Mine are all better now.
I know that I can stress myself by worrying.  Yes, I know that prayer helps if I let it, because I know that is what Jesus would do.  I struggle with worry because I am human but I still find prayer the best answer for this.

Believe it or not we did not eat out but came home to eat left-overs.

Parables are a part of all our lives as the ordinary takes on the sacred.

I like the parables that Jesus told because they are easy to remember but not always easy to understand. At times they may seem like a riddle, at times examples and at times a challenge. Reading the parable of the sower of the seed in its simplest interruption can remind us that there will be success and there will be failure but we keep on keeping on. Then their is the lost sheep. the lost coin and the lost son. They are not meant to be a condemnation but a reminder of the incomprehension and the hope that we can take these words to heart and learn the value of life. We can read these parables and see something new each time. Jesus said that many would hear but not understand nor believe until they are ready to see themselves in the story.

There are simple but powerful truths hidden in these parables.


Anonymous said...

As you may know, the Jesus Seminar folks tend to think that most of the parables didn't actually originate with the historical Jesus, but they are often interesting anyway.

I'm glad that rash went away!

It is good to see people being good (I'm thinking here of the person that you saw taking the handicapped people on an outing). Makes you wonder, makes ME wonder, why I can't be a slightly better person!

Be careful of getting too wet in the rain!



Anonymous said...

I thought Sandra's company did fire bombing equipment ?
First day off today.Jasmine not well. Cooler ,but nice here today.

nancy-Lou said...
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nancy-Lou said...

I too, like the parables, even though they may just be stories....they point the way for us to follow the ways of Jesus. We met today, with Judy, our minister to plan the service for Melodie. It will be Sunday Dec 9th. I will play for the hymns...Mel would like that.Our church is too small, so we rented the Senior's Scene and are expecting 200 people. There will be lunch after the service. Her obit is in the Winnipeg Free Press passages today...check it out on line if you would like. We sure have an empty space in our hearts....miss her a lot. I worry about you Beth, getting so wet in the rain storms...the rain is such a driving rain at the coast. BUT I a not going to say, "don't go" because it is important to you....but I can say, " be careful". Love to you and Larry, Nancy