Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The time just goes so fast it is unbelieveable.
                                                                 Our Christmas angel

I love all the lights and decorations that brighten up the dark days.  I love the magic!

I believe in the power of inspiration and in the mysterious gift of all of life and Creation.

It was unbelieveable that a car making a quick turn into a driveway off Scott and stopped inches from me as I was walking.  I am so careful at all intersections but this was in the middle of the street. I even had my new reflective arm band on.  But it was dark and raining so we were both thankful that the brakes worked!  I was in a hurry wanting to get home to get ready to drive to Chillliwack.  I am so very careful but this was just a freaky thing.

 Even in the dark morning I feel that I am surrounded by love.

Unbelievable story about Eben Alexander, M.D.  I left for Theresa to read.
During his near dear death experience he experienced something appearing in the darkness as he lay unconscious; radiant fine filaments of white-gold light and the most beautiful sound of music.   He was a non believer until he saw this angel.  His life was changed.

I love going to Morgan and Ben's Christmas concert.  I was ready to leave at nine o'clock because I did not want to be late but filled in the time getting my hair cut.  We left in good time but forgot to take our over-night bag.  The drive there was rainy and misty with a fair amount of traffic on the road.

Morgan as a little angel.
Morgan had a little speaking part and did great.  Too bad her little halo kept sliding down.
Ben sang in the choir but the pictures did not turn out.  The choir leader was the best and they all
 sang with enthusiasm and I felt such overwhelming emotion just being there. 
It is hard to believe that Ben is nine and we were thinking he was eight and in grade three but he is in grade four.

Ben has his shirt on from Stuart McLean he was given at the concert!
                                   Truth is beyond belief because it may be hidden and elusive. 


Sandra said...

I take you drove home? It seems like just yesterday you were going to see Ben in his kindergarden Christmas concert. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes we did drive home. The children were going back to school and Theresa had homework to do. Morgan was very disappointed we were not sleeping over but there would have been little time in the morning and getting ready for school we would be in the way.

Theresa plans to join Chuck and Michael and Mikie at the Hospice. Robbie is now in a peaceful coma.

Dad and I are tired this morning but it is a happy tiredness.

Praying for the eye drops to work for you Ken.

love mom

Shandel said...

thank goodness those breaks worked! Your right though, even when we are careful odd and weird freaky things do happen. Sometimes i experience these things on my walks with Daisy and i am so careful not to slip!

Glad you had a good time at the concert, there are a lot of those happening around here as well. I am subbing a yoga class tonight so Debbie can go and see her little grand daughter sing in her show.

have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

not the first time you forgot your overnight bag. Too bad about Carol and her skirt. There was a four year old expelled from kinder for kissing ! How sad is that. I feel scared for Jasmine as she always kisses us. We walked over to see the Christmas lights last night , still 30c , at 10pm , I was covered in sweat when we got home (4k walk)
Still hot today . Going to work where there is air conditioning.

Shawna said...

Hi Grandma!!! Love You!!!

nancy-Lou said...

Aren't Ben and Morgan growing up? Lovely children! Now Beth....that is a really close call...I think you should be walking in daylight...I remember how hard it is to drive at night when it is raining and there are so many lights reflecting on the road. I used to walk here, after dark, but ran in to a couple of bears and one winter, four stopped. Just go in daylight now. They were more afraid of me that I was. Off to Tai Chi it. Love to you and Larry, Nancy