Sunday, July 2, 2017


We heard a good message from our new summer minister about our human tendency to fall short of our own goals and feel like God may be frowning upon us.  This is a good time to just take a  breath and allow God's love to hold you.  When we receive love we have love to give away to others.  I think she is just the right person to bring healing inspiration to our little church family.

We arrived home just minutes before Craig and Leah arrived with Ophelia.  We all went to a small little salad and sandwich place for a bite to eat.  Ophelia sat in her own little chair for most of the time happy as can be.

She fell asleep in her car seat and then was transferred to her stroller.  We offered to look after Ophelia while Graig and Leah went to buy some new furniture at Ikea in Richmond.  Dad and I took her for a walk around the block and she had a good sleep.  Next it was time for her bottle and that went well too.  We were discussing changing her as her shirt was wet as well as her diapers.  She does not like being changed which is normal and we were thankful when Sandra and Randy arrived and took over this task.  Basically you just let them know who is in charge and then do it.
She likes to get a hold of the T.V. remote and also pull her self up.

She follows you when you leave the room and has her own little language.  We went out to the back yard and then when she got cranky dad fed her.

After a little nap she was ready to play with some blocks and some little balls.Dad and I had time to have a cup of coffee before her mom and dad returned.  They were tired out from shopping as they were given the run around and that is exactly what they did was run around.

Dad and I enjoyed looking after Ophelia but it sure took the both of us.

We are excited about seeing Mary and Simone and Sebastien on Friday morning at Sandra and Randy's.  I will not forget I have it written done on paper as well as in my brain.

A good message and a good day.


craig decraene said...

Thank you for watching her, glad she was behaved.

Sandra said...

You must have been very tuckered out by the end of the day. Randy ended up being put onto graveyards so he was in bed early, but then back up at 9:30 as he just could not stay asleep.

I have to put my head down and work all day, so glad to see it cloudy right now, I would be happy if it stayed that way all day.


beth bennett said...

It is not very cloudy here today.

Slow getting going but will walk
over to the Post Office to mail the card
to Shandel. July birthdays are very important!

Thanks Craig and Leah for trusting us.
Yes we were tuckered out but enjoyed having her.
She is getting to know us too.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, isn't that the cutest photo of Larry and Ophelia. She is such a little doll. I bet you were kept busy following her around. How nice of you to babysit so they could have a break while furniture shopping. She must be about 10 months now?

AND more Great Grandchildren to arrive soon for a visit....happy times make happy memories.

Is it still hot out there? We had our first hot and humid day today and we are not used to this! It will take a few days to get acclimatized to the heat and humidity. The air conditioners are on.

Mark out younger son took me over to the greenhouse at St. Georges and bought me a plant for my birthday. Actually what I chose was a large planter full of beets! Practical me.
I can make pickled beets for Carl now and freeze them as they grow. They are ready to eat now, not too large yet..but a good size.

He bought a large tomato plant and a planter full of carrots...similar to my beets so we will share.

We have people parking on our property illegally....blocking the driveway to our shop. Not our house drive way...but still blocking the driveway to the shop and our son cannot get in there. So I left them a polite note and took a photo of their licence plate and car. People try to beat paying the price at the parking lot...a day price is $10. and park anywhere without consideration for others. There is no parking along any of the streets in Victoria Beach.

Is Larry building a rock garden with all the rocks in the back yard? Now that would be really nice. I have some Aubrietta that is still blooming where my old rock garden used to be. So pretty.

Well I have a lot to do tonight and top on the list is watering as it is so hot and we have to leave early tomorrow for the city.

SOOO have a nice evening,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Actually Nancy Larry wants to get rid of the rocks.

He has never liked them.

I have to go out and water now as I did not
do it in the morning.When was your birthday?

Love beth

Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice run of sunny weathe4vfor you guys. Very cold here.

nancy-Lou said...

oh oh, no blog for a couple of days! well you are entitled to have a break, Beth, you always are so faithful to your daily blog!
Hope all is ok and you just needed a rest. No worries as they say!

My birthday was June 30th and I am now 73. I am slowing down, that is for sure! The trick is to do it gracefully and not regret what you cannot do...and that isn't easy!

Maybe put a sign out rocks! someone might like them for a rock garden.

We were on the death trap highway today, driving into Selkirk to do some banking. My goodness people are nuts to drive like they do. they either go like a bat out of **** or far too slow. One "old" lady was travelling at 60kms on a 100 km highway and there was a lot of on coming traffic so no one could pass.
I think there was another bad accident tonight when all the emergency vehicles rolled out of the police/fire and emergency responder station. Even the siren went off at the parking lot. I think that usually means a drowning..not sure.
there was a head on car accident last week when a car swerved to miss a gaggle of geese and goslings on the highway.

We try to travel as little as possible until after the Sept long weekend, but Carl got a call from his vascular surgeon and he has to have a scan ASAP. The ultra sound they did last week on the aneurysm surgery they did last year showed something going on. so we will be travelling soon again.

It was a hot and humid day here...30C with a heat index of 35.

have a lovely evening and I hope all is well,

Love to you both,