Sunday, January 7, 2018


I knew some thing was wrong this morning when Rick did not bring up when Rick did not bring up my morning coffee.

Rick I feel so bad that you got so ill you had to return home.  You probably have pneumonia.  You were a great help in all ways.  From helping to answers questions from the Nurse Next Door with insight and wisdom.  Helping me move around etc. and fetching things.  We need to train Haiti better.
I am praying for a safe journey home and hospital care.

I am so thankful for your visit. and it cheered me up extreme.y.

Km and Hamlet dropped by and we had extra medical information along with laughter.

Sandra and Carol you are the best daughters  a mom could hope for.

Theresa and Morgan thanks for the visit on Friday and help.  You are wonderful too.

Ken loved talking to you on the phone.

Love you


Anonymous said...

Hi Grandma, Welcome home, and glad that everyone was able to help out! Sorry to hear about Rick. I chatted with him briefly on Skype yesterday morning and he seemed Ok. Love, Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't that a pretty photo of the yellow leaves and snow? It looks like a forsythia bush, but ours flower in the spring time.

So how was your first sleep back at home? Restful and with little pain, I hope.

Does the nurse come in every day? How are you managing for meals etc?

How is Larry doing? You must have given him a awful scare!

The flu bug is everywhere here..people are dropping like flies. So far, it was just me who got it and then I got an infection, lungs, ear etc. I am nearing the end of my meds and hopefully it will be over with.

I sure hope Rick is OK....this flu, H1N2 has a lot of secondary he should get it checked out if he isn't feeling well.

The cold snap of the last two and half weeks has finally let up and people are starting to move around once again. Cars were barely going by on our road when it was so cold.

How is Haiti doing? Is she staying with you?

Carl has a day surgery appointment for the bladder cancer. He has the procedure done every four months. That is on Wednesday. Our Son, Bob, will drive us...which is a big help. I don't like driving in bad winter weather.

Be sure and take things easy, Beth. Ask for help! if you are like me, you are independent and don't like to bother others...but that isn't necessarily a good thing!

Love to all,


Sandra said...

Hope the rest of your day was restful. The good thing about the grey rainy days it makes it easier to snuggle up and just rest and watch tv or read a book.

Did dad have a chance to look for some crock pot recipes, I think I have a cook book if he would like it.

Randy got home early but we did not head back out like we were planning. Had a Skype with Stephen and Shawna and the kids. Lincoln got lots of games for Christmas and was wanting to play them all!

Simone and Sebastiens presents are on their way via Greyhound, I finally got those sent on Saturday.


beth bennett said...

A wonderful viit from Craig and Leah and Ophelia and Astrid.

I am downloading pictures.

Am sleeping okay and using the commode at night.

love mom