Tuesday, January 9, 2018


This is where we eat in our bedroom so nicely set up by Rick and Carol and dad, I enjoy being able to look outside.  It is always good to see the world going on about you.

I had a bad night with some messes but dad and I cleaned it up.  I am worried about dad too.  I woke up with more pain than I have had since I came home.  Carol is now doing some washing of the rug in our bedroom. 

I know I am  A Nuisance but I will do better.

Right now I need my energy and strength to transfer from bed to walk or bed to wheel chair.  Keeping the one food free of weight is tricky.

Kim and dad took off to interview the crossing guard about the accident,  He was able to confirm it all.  The lady was going to declare her innocence but has now faced the truth that it was her fault .
I watched them leave and for a brief moment was tempted to sneak down stairs.

It helps that the sun is shining and I am certain that my faith will continue to shine  on us all.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear....sorry to hear you had bad pain last night, Beth. I hope you had some good pain pills to take. How wonderful of Carol to come and take care of you when you need help at home. She is a sweetheart! Sorry to hear she has a cold..flying on airplanes always seems to make everyone sick.
Your set up in your looks very inviting with the drop leaf table and chairs by the window.
do you have a little bell to ring when you need something?

Having stairs makes it hard when we are sick. Carl has had so many surgeries...5 joint replacements along with a fusion of his ankle plus the other things. so when he comes home he has to stay upstairs too, where his bed is and the bathroom as well. so he gets room service as I bet you do too! Don't forget to tip! hahha.

Can you smell the cabbage rolls all the way to your house? whew...they are smelling awfully good. I made a dutch oven full for us and another large pot of vegetarian ones for our son Bob, who is staying with us. He sure was hungry after coming in from a day working outdoors doing siding on a house.

I am tired tonight and think I will go to bed early. I am hoping the flu isn't going to come back again..we have to go to Winnipeg tomorrow and the weather report is for freezing rain and a cold front with temperatures dropping like a stone and winds and snow. not good at all for driving.

I hope you have a much better sleep tonight Beth...with little or no pain,

hugs to Carol and all helping out...

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It was nice to have to sun poke out for a brief moment, not nearly long enough. I believe it is supposed to be back on Sunday and I am hoping to get out and do some clean up in the back yard.


beth bennett said...

Sandra I am not surprised.

Love mom