Friday, January 12, 2018


Our nurse arrived right on time and waited for us to open the door.  One look at her face and you could tell she was a warm and caring person.  We enjoyed getting to know her and she helped by vacuuming upstairs and then went down and put the Christmas ornaments away. 

She was an older lady but we were surprised when she announced she  was not able to go up and down stairs very much.  We were a little shocked because we need some one to go up and down to take the load off of dad. 

Both Sandra and Carol agreed.  It was partly our fault in in giving the impression we wanted companion because we could do a lot ourselves.

It may be a challenge to find the right person.

We will miss Carol a lot, she has been up and down a lot.  We appreciate all she has done for us.  I would have not been allowed to come home without her presence here.

Sandra will contact the nurse people so we do not have to.  We do appreciate this.

It would seem a reasonable request for some one who can go up and down. 


nancy-Lou said...

Beth, it sounds to me like you need home care...where they will help you with dressing, toileting, showers, vacuuming, meals, laundry etc.

Have you thought of moving your bed to the main floor? Until you are ready to do the stairs.
It would make it a lot easier for Larry and others who care for you.

How is your pain level? I hope they are giving you good pain meds.

How is Larry feeling? he wasn't well the last time I heard and you had made a doctor's appointment for him.

I guess Carol will have to go home and back to work soon. You sure will miss her. Well done Carol!

It sure is great for us to have our son living here and he is a big help. He is working here too...which means he doesn't have to commute as some people do. they are working outdoors and once the temperature goes below -14 some of the tools and materials they are using don't work. So he has a few days off with this extremely cold weather.

We may have to do a run into Selkirk tomorrow to pick up some groceries...I will see how cold it is in the morning. We have a winter travelling kit in the car in case there is an emergency.

Have a good night Beth and Larry,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Miranna is going to look for a replacement right away.

Had a nice good bye visit with Carol, Kimberly, Hamlet and Ben.

Peanut continues to improve, up at 3:00am but no accidents.


beth bennett said...

God Peanut and I am improving.

I take Tyninal for pain but am learning to adjust my movements.

So far this morning dad and I are doing well!


Steady-as-rain said...

I would switch between Tylenol and Advil (ibuprofin).

