Sunday, January 14, 2018


My moods can change as quickly as the evening sky.  This was Saturday night.  A colorful sunset.

My mood this morning was grumpy and frustrated at having to rest in bed but making an effort to sit in the wheel chair or try a few steps with the walker.  I am thankful to be at home and dad and I enjoy our breakfast by the window.
This way I get to spy on the neighbors.  It helps to improve my outlook a little.

I was surprised that dad bought me a new comforter, electric, for when I get chilled at night.  I felt bad his feet got so sore they brought him a chair at the store and even took his parcel out for him.

Carol phoned to see how we were doing.  There was a mix up with her flight making her run from one airplane to another and then back again.  She is happy to be home again but happy she could help us.

Things started looking up when Sandra came for a visit bringing her fantastic spaghetti.  She hlped us work out our plans for the Norse Next Door.  What a great help.

Our neighbors right next door, the ones who built the fence, dropped by with a chicken and potato salad.  We had a cheerful visit.

We have wonderful neighbors who want to help in any way.

We have two wonderful daughters who cheered me up today.

Dad has taken another pain pill so I hope it helps.

I will go to bed with a more positive mood!


nancy-Lou said...

It is so nice to see the photos and know that you are getting company and good care. It looks like you have everything all set up in your bedroom and you have all the comforts.
Good for Larry helping so much.

Are you having any physical therapy? I know they start you pretty soon when you are in the hospital...but maybe it is too soon for you.

Wasn't that a lovely post from Shandel? She is quite remarkable in the way she sees things.

We had a sports day on the much NFL football and also curling. Got a square bum from sitting too long and need to go for a good walk!

But the overnight milder weather turned cold when the wind swung around to the north and blew the snow in eddies down our drive way. The temperature plummeted all day, from -8 to -20 in a matter of hours and the wind chill was bitter. Even my chickadees were no where to be seen when I took the bird seeds and peanuts out.

Our son did some more much needed repairs around the house today and it is beginning to look much better. He is a journeyman carpenter and can repair pretty much anything.

Have a good sleep,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It was to have your neighbours come over. If they do show up with the blow up bed maybe consider spending a week down stairs after you do see the doctor?

I could come over and take stuff downstairs in no time.

And since we can not rely on Nurse Next Door, I guess we need to make the plans on getting to your doctors appointment.


nancy-Lou said...

You can rent a hospital bed...just an idea! I don't think you will be able to get up from a low blow up bed.

We have handi transit in Winnipeg who pick up people in wheel chairs, as well as ambulatory people and take them to appointments.
You may already know this...but just trying to be helpful. i am sure they must have a service like this there.

Actually i was surprised that the hospital discharged you so soon...considering the seriousness of your injury, although I am sure you were very glad to go home. I thought they could give you more physio and help get you more ambulatory first. Plus arrange for home care.

It seems to me like they sweep the elderly out the door these days and don't pay much attention to them. I have learned to be an advocate for Carl and I do speak a nice way of course, but I don't let them bully us around.

Carl has an ultrasound on his aneurysm on Thursday and once again the weather looks to be snowy and roads bad. Getting to appointments in the wintertime is not easy when you live an hour and half away.

Today is another beautiful winter day with cobalt blue skies and a yellow orb in the sky shining sideways through the trees creating interesting shadows. The longer days make one feel better don't they?

I am off now to look for a beginners book for my piano student. it is his first lesson today...he is 8! I am really looking forward to it.

Have a good day and be carefel.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...