Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Our final 
Christmas card arrived from 
down Under,
It was steaming hot!\
Thanks to our special family!
Hope you have a great holiday on the 20 and 
Dad  is doing much better and we awe more of a team nteam!  He is better at pushing my rusty wheel-chair.  I have gotten out and hopped to the back to give it a little turn,  I am being careful.  ha ha

Life is what happens but good can always be found. We are so thankful to have seen Rick and have Carol hereto to help.   They join the team of Sandra and Randy!hep1!Carol is helping kind the right car car with Kim  They are very happy.  Driving lessons today,

The Nurse next door comes today. We have to leave something for her to do.

I am hoping and praying for us all to get better  The Bennents always find the inner strength to cope and chase away bugs and trying to keep up-standing!

Courage for a new journey will come!

We have turned the corner! 


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, the Bennett clan are awesome...full of love and caring. I can see that, through reading your blog, although I haven't met them. I am so glad I have met you all through your blog Beth. Reading your daily blog has been wonderful! Love the photos and your stories.

You are sounding much more 'chipper' today! That means healing is taking place....good for you Beth and good for your care givers.
Do you have a tv in your bedroom so you can watch the telly?

I am sure you have some good books to read as well.

so glad that Larry is feeling better with pain is so difficult isn't it? Pain management is often not very successful, with out resorting to narcotics and one doesn't want to start them unless they really have to.

Isnt that funny, you received a Christmas card from down under on Jan 9th...boy o boy one would think in these times it would come a lot sooner. Must have taken the 'slow boat'.
it is kind of neat though to receive one at this time....pretty card too.

I have a new piano student starting next Monday. A boy, 8 years old. Really excited about that. That makes for 2 boys and 2 girls. I enjoy teaching music so much.

Keep on with the good good now and don't risk another fall...ask for help!

Love to all,

We are jinxed when it comes to Carl having the bladder surgery...there was freezing rain overnight and then a sweeping cold front with snow and blowing snow making poor visibility. so we cancelled the procedure. Hated to do so, but they were not recommending driving north of the city. there were jack knifed semis and cars in the ditch.

Winnipeg had been sloppy with melting over the last few days and a cold front made for a quick freeze making things very difficult to drive in.

It is going to be bitterly cold for the next 5 days. Well that is to be expected with it being January and Manitoba!

Our son went to work this morning and all the ladders were covered in ice so the boss said no work today. Too dangerous when they are working up high. +

Steady-as-rain said...

The table in the corner by the window does look nice. A silver lining.

I'm glad you are positive after a bad night the night before, but I'm really not sure about the "turned the corner" idea. Bennett's may be resilient, but they also need to be practical and realistic.

And I am glad you resisted the urge to tumble downstairs.

I am slightly better, but I am now starting to worry that I may not be able to go back to work next Monday. I will have to go back to the medical clinic if I'm not able to go to work on Monday.



Sandra said...

I hope your nurse shows up today and she is a good fit for you and dad. Randy had started supper for me. We finished watching a movie we had started the night before but then I fell asleep.

Peanut is getting better, but still wobbly. She had to go to the bathroom at 3:30 am, I almost got the back door open in time. I could not really fall back asleep after that so it will be a long day.


beth bennett said...

We all have our prob;ems.

Take care

Love mom