Sunday, May 20, 2018


Faith is a mystery, a secret waiting to be discovered.  Faith has the power to transform.

We're standing in the middle of awesome mystery-life itself-and the only appropriate response before this mystery is humility.  We only glimpse a tiny bit of all that is possible.  The Holy Spirit which flows from the heart of God gifts us with the inner experience of all that is goodness and grace.  We are on a path and the future is unknown.
Mystery is not something you cannot understand but some thing that can be understood endlessly.

God is love and love is powerful and healing and inspiring.  I like many others watch the Royal Wedding and am touched by the love in the eyes of this couple.  It is beautiful.

Saturday was a day dad and I did not accomplish much.  He set out to buy new parts to fix his tool but they did not fit.  I fell asleep watching the Royal Wedding and that really annoys me.  Dad later on does the same thing watch the Nature of Things.

The mystery of faith is that it leaves you wanting more.

"Constantly yearning and wanting more is a kind of sacred discontent, a holy dissatisfaction."
-Richard Rohr

In the morning with the freshness of a new day I feel the joy of contentment and inspired to be open to the love all around me.  By evening I can feel annoyed and frustrated and let down with myself.

Religion started out as a set of rules to give us guide lines  It then changed into a set of beliefs that guide us into the right religion that accepts the sinners  willing to say and do what is right.  Like the scriptures declare I have fallen short of my own expectations.

The mystery of faith is that like the world around us it can be full of creative tension.

Words are not enough.
I accept that I am vulnerable and weak in some areas.

Salvation is an on going mystery that flows from the heart of God.


Sandra said...

When I think of the word mystery it means good things. It is fun trying to figure things out, and with 99% of the mystery books I read I always guess wrong. So, I guess in life guessing wrong, making wrong decisions should not come as a surprise or spoil the fun of living. I have never stopped loving a good mystery book just because I am wrong.

I will call in the morning to see what your plans are for the day so we can drop by.


beth bennett said...

Okay nice to see you.
Kim is coming to make lunch with Hamlet.

Love mom