Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I did not wear my hearing aids to the dentist.

My appointment went extra long with Dr. Patterson and his daughter now a dentist too looking in my mouth.  I knew things did not look good.  And I was right.  I need to go back for a root canal.  That was the bad news of the day.  The good news was it was good I am already on antibiotics and have some pain killers.  Everyone there was very kind and there were lots of smiles!

Off to dad's doctor for a second opinion which I needed to hear.  He actually sat down and listened to our concerns.  He will contact the Cancer Doctor and make sure he has got dad's letter.refusing the treatment.  Evidently this is not that uncommon.  Dr. Muckiber says he will take care of the blood work too.  Dad and I both felt better.

I stopped to go into Save-On-Foods and discovered I did not have my wallet.  I had lots of small change which took forever counting out but fortunately I had enough to pay.  Coming home I looked everywhere but could not find my wallet.  It had dropped out in the bottom of the car when I was putting my camera in my purse.

I recognize the important role a lot of people play in my life.

Happiness comes and goes but it is there waiting to be discovered!


Steady-as-rain said...

Myself, I rarely have change anymore. I was going to buy a poppy for Remembrance Day at the grocery store on Saturday but all I had was my debit card. I will have to get some cash from the bank.

I'm sorry the dental appointment was so long. I find those very, very tiring these days. But, with dental things, if you don't deal with them now, then they don't go away (as Christopher could tell us, if he ever spoke to anybody). So good thing you are getting this done now. One of my friends that Dr. Patterson would know has just retired, Todd Jones (Dad would know his older brother, whose first name escapes me at the moment). This is happening a lot now with my contemporaries retiring and heading off to Mexico or wherever. But not for me.

I go back to the internist doctor on Nov 6th. She appears to be about 25 years old (she is likely actually somewhat older), so it is a bit hard to take what she says seriously. But I will have to try and keep my mind open. She is the one saying that I am just depressed. So bascially it seems the medical system is telling me to struggle along as I am until I (a) get better, (b) get much worse, at which point we will look again, or (c) just shuffle off Shakespeare's mortal coil. In the meantime, if you want, here are some antidepressant pills, which I have declined so far and will probably continue to decline.

Good thing you found your wallet.



Sandra said...

I wonder if it is almost better to be surprised by a long dentist appointment, I find the dread before hand almost as bad as the actual appointment. I almost can not bare the thought of my coming root canal as my 2 implants have scared me for life. That is why I had to take so much ativan when I thought they were doing it last weekend.

Why not try the antidepressants Rick, what is the worst that could happen? I think I did Cymbalta, not sure if that is an antidepressant, but the doctor suggested it because I had so much random pain he could not explain. I only took them for a couple of days though as I hate the thought of what it does to my brain, plus pretty sure that weight gain was a side affect.

Can we not as a family have some sort of forced kidnapping of Chris and take him to the dentist. From what Susan says his teeth are horrendous and he must have a lot of pain. Has he always had a dentist phobia?

It is our company Chile lunch today so I am hoping for lots of left overs, it makes for good lunches to freeze.


beth bennett said...

My approach now to any of our doctors is to ask them what is their honest opinion.

It is hard for a young person to know how miserable it can be to be tired all the time.

If they do not have an answer they try anti-depression pills and depression does go along with tiredness. What I found was they helped me to sleep and that helped a lot.

Dad feels much better now.
I made him go to his doctor.

We are both lucky as our doctors like us and try to find the right answers.

Getting ready for the little ones knowing at our door.

We will take turns, it is tiring for us.

Happy Halloween.
