Tuesday, October 9, 2018


An inspiring moment
 Life is good when you can breath in fresh air with your daughter at your side and look upon the beauty of the ocean.

Life for me is the daily things we do but also seeing the spiritual in the daily tasks.

Praying for wisdom and energy for us all.

We all live in a sea of emotions that range from regret to joy.
When we are experiencing pain that takes our focus away from the moment.
There are many painful sad situations all around us but wisdom is responding to what is close to us and how we can help.  Otherwise the pain of the world becomes a heavy burden that creates a weariness and hopelessness.

I think I forgot to publish this but that is okay too.

Dad had his eye appointment and everything looks okay but he must be diligent in doing his eye drops if he wants it to be stay good.

Our plans for the day changed when I started coughing and dad had a bad stomach ache so we rushed right home.  After making our lunch and sitting out on the front porch in the warmth of the sun I had a big rest.  It seemed a shame on such a nice day but sometimes we do not havea choice.

On Wed. we go to get our hearing aids and we try them for several weeks.  I know that I need to hear better so I hope I can adjust them okay.

We have moments that touch us deeply within our hearts so that we can look forward to another day.


Sandra said...

Do you not take your inhaler with you when you go out?

I came home and just worked on my mid term project then went to bed. Randy was working again so just me and the cats.


Steady-as-rain said...

Resting in the sun is always a good idea.



beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra I realize I must do this even when I am feeling good.

Yes Rick I hope you can rest in your little outside area in the warmth.

Love mom