Friday, October 26, 2018


        The unexpected blooming of a summer flower doing a last show of color with their happy faces.

It was very dark last night at 6;30 when the doorbell rang.  Dad and I were snuggled up together watching a T.V. drama.  It was our good friend Diane from church arriving to pick me up for a meeting of the Ministry and Personnel.  I had completely forgotten about it.

I did not feel up to going out at all as we had already turned down an invitation to visit Carol and Panteli.  Theresa and Ben would also be there with Kim.  We love to visit them all.

We have been asked to meet because the secretary is changing her hours and it is up of our little group to give our approval.  I knew Diane had already put in a hard day's work at the cancer clinic so I certainly could not refuse to attend.

The church is cold and dark with one light shining in the room where we gather around a small table.
We are close friends who known each other for years.  We have gone through times of illness and sadness in each one of our lives.

We quickly do our task so that we can laugh and enjoy this time together.  As I look into each dear friend I see the marks of aging on each one.

Love sees the beauty in with the wrinkles of old age!

We have many memories of the different ministers that have come and gone.  We can now even laugh about the big problem that divided the congregation over serving wine at weddings.  What would Jesus do?  He would make sure there was enough!

Some of the unexpected changes we each have had in our lives have changed us and in the end have strengthened our faith and our love for one another.

There will continue to be moments of unexpected beauty that fill our souls with wonder and sacred
need to trust.


Sandra said...

That was very commendable to go out unexpectedly like that. Are you feeling any better or will you feel bad until you finish the medication? Carol and I went and saw the show home is tsawwassen yesterday. Beautiful as always but we both decided would just take the cash. Number one reason no view! That was very disappointing. We went for a walk, ate left over vegies and dip and Carol made some cookies. Kimberley was just walking in the door as I left at 6.

beth bennett said...

Sounds like you had a great day.

I am feeling yuky again today.

Love mom