Thursday, October 11, 2018


Words cannot express all the beauty that waits outside our door.  The drive to Langley and back was through a world alive with color.  Many trees in different shades of orange and red.  Coming home the sun shone on them bringing the beauty even more alive.

Yes, dad and I drove out there to become wearers of hearing aids.

I cannot describe in words all the noise these tiny little things were coming into my head.  Everything was so loud.  It was exhausting.We walked out the door of the sound proff room into a world where everyone was shouting/!

We stopped at Milestones on the way home.
I took them off as soon as I got home and went right up to bed.

I have to learn how to adjust them and dad and I have to have them adjusted  to the same level so we both are comfortable.  This morning I have not put them in yet but will do so when dad gets up after my walk.

Many people are uncomfortable with the words that describe the reality of a spiritual path.  This is good if they are willing to continue to find words that make sense of something as beautiful as a flower and as gentle as a morning mist.

Life is a mystery that is deep within our own souls waiting to speak words of truth and healing.

Learning to listen is not always easy.


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, you've now given me a good reason to delay doing anything about my need for hearing aids for another few years! :)

My landlords and I are trying to figure out why the old furnace/boiler in the house has started banging and rattling doors. Quite unnerving, at times.

I think I am going to just have soup for dinner. My stomach/abdomen is all bloated and tender. That is what the scan is about on Tuesday, so maybe it is good that it is acting up now. In the sense that maybe it will be visible.

Anyway, hope you and Dad can get the volume levels adjusted.



beth bennett said...

Soup is good Rick.

I am fasting and haveing a blood test on Tuesday.

I hate fasting.

Hope this test gives you some results.

I think maybe getting the hearing aids early is better
but see what happens in the next while.

I can hear a pin drop now. So noisy.

Love mom