Monday, October 15, 2018


                              Another beautiful day.  Breath taking trees seem even more beautiful this year

I love the fact that we live in an area where the seasons change and because we know the rainy season will soon be here we appreciate these blissful days of basking in the sun even more.

A busy day out in the yard raking the leaves and mowing the lawn..I had a good walk with Aneta but we do not go through the park.

Dad took off on his bike and had fun on his ride through the Water Shed park

We had a quick but healthy sandwich before we drove to the hospital to visit our friend Sheila.  The worst part of her treatment was having to have skin grafts and the one is very slowly healing

You need a credit card to pay for parking but our card refused to work but fortunately I am enough change to pay for an hour.  We went to the wrong floor to start with but met up with another friend in the elevator and finally found the right room together.  Sheila is doing well and anxious to get home.

Moving on we joined Carol and Panteli and Kim and Hamlet for a delicious supper and lively conversation.   Ben came home later.

Movement is so important in our physical world with  the sun rising  and settings; as it is in the spiritual world.  As we move through our days doing various tasks it awakens the awareness of all that is alive.

Religion is often presented as dull and boring with it's set of rules.

Spirituality is all about the movement of the spirit within our hearts as we walk enjoying the beauty of nature and  the gentle breeze that whispers.  Dancing and singing are as important as praying as a way to free the mind and open the soul.  There should be more freedom in our worship!  The Bible does say make a joyfun noise to the Lord!


Sandra said...

Yes, how are the hearing aids working out?

I was a beautiful drive home over the island on a prefect fall day. We started out right from Tofino being behind a truck with huge tubs of water with fish we guessed. At every turn a bit would slosh out and we got a fair bit on us. We eventually passed and then stopped in Port Alberni to wash my car and then when we hit the road again the truck was in front of us again!

IT did not take as long to pass it the second time and it ended up on the ferry with us and followed us most of the way home.

Randy got a call when we were driving that he had to go to work at midnight and then double onto days so our vacation ended with a bang.


beth bennett said...

The unexpected. Sandra

Life never seems completely perfect.

Glad you hada holiday and are home safe.

Love you
