Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Everyday brings new opportunities to appreciate the wonders of nature and the challenge of learning to balance life. with times of busyness and times of rest.  There are things we need to let go of just as the time comes for the leaves to let go.  The colors have been so beautiful this year.
Dad and I enjoyed sitting out on the front porch in the autumn sunshine.

It surprised me when Dr. Nolte's nurse phone to ask how my cough was.  I was glad to report that I was successful in getting rid of it.  I followed the instructions which is always wise.

It is no surprise that getting use to our hearing aids has not been as successful.  Even putting them on right is tricky.  We both put them in for awhile today and dad could turn the T.V. right done low when I had a rest.

Dad enjoyed his bike ride and met some new dogs.  One chased after him in the park.  A good size pit bull.  Dad just stopped and surprise the dog by saying hello.  His owners came chasing after him fearing the worse.

Trying to learn new things is not always easy but success comes when we keep trying.


Steady-as-rain said...

I don't like being chased by pit-bulls. Most are actually friendly, but not all, unfortunately.

I went to the chiropractor yesterday.

The landlords are still working on getting the boiler/furnace thing working right.



Sandra said...

It is still nice out at our house too, most of the trees are still full, though with the amount of leaves on the ground that cant be true. Did I mention the house of your friend who had your wheelchair is for sale again?

I pick up two new kittens today after work, just dropped one off this morning.

Randy is doubling lots and was hoping to take time off this weekend but other men have already booked it off so he has to work.


beth bennett said...

Talked to my brother on the phone.
He had a big cancer growth on his forehead and then shingles.
Traudl cannot walk because of knee pain.

We visited another friend in hospital
and we will help her when she gets out.
They may not let her drive and that is a problem for her.

Too tired to do anything to night.

Love mom