Wednesday, November 19, 2008


After slaving over a hot stove making dad and I breakfast kim wanted some fresh air. She raked the leaves and we went for a walk and now the house is quiet again as she has left for school.

I am setting the table for the gang coming for supper. It is a perfect day; warm and sunny.

We just heard about the bad storm that hit Brisbane and actually damage the house the children live in. A window was blown in and a retaining wall blown down. At times like these your only concern is that everyone is safe.

They do need lots of rain in Australia so hopefully that is happening.

Maybe Ken has some comments?


Anonymous said...

Tyler , Brit and Hobey are ok .Their house was a bit damaged , but ok .Some people down the road lost everything!! We still need rain , just not all at once !!


beth bennett said...

We had no idea until we saw the video on the iner-net what a horrific storm it was. We are so thankful that the family is safe.

What a reminder never to take life for granted.