Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Work seems to be a big part of all that we are and do

Do you like your work?

Are you able to relax and forget about it when you leave it?

Do you feel your work is valued?

Even getting ready for a holiday and sight-seeing and visiting is exciting work; well at least it takes effort but happiness is our reward!

My main job now is trying to keep track of when we are doing what. I thought the meeting this Wed. was next Wed. I thought the Friday pot-luck was on Friday but it is on Sunday. I am trying to change my visiting day at the Nursing Home to a Tuesday which will confuse everyone there as they will think it is Thurs.

I have finally raked up all those thousands of leaves and they are in little bags waiting to be picked up. The first hour was fun but then it became "work". Going for a walk in the morning takes a real effort some days but I am always glad I did it. Today is cool but raining.

I understand what Theresa is saying about being a stay at home mom. I know that I was always busy and always having to cope with difficult problems. You wake up and you start the day feeding and clothing and getting everyone else off for the day. Your day ends when everyone else is in bed and you are lucky if you have the energy to take your clothes off to fall into bed.

I admire all the young moms today, those who work at home, those who go to school and those who have a job.

My work now is trying to keep us both healthy and finding things to enjoy in life.

So many wonderful memories of our exceptional children that made us laugh and cry. We are surrounded by pictures of all our family and our love for them all fills our hearts with great joy!

Somehow God is working all things together for our good. Kim and Carol will be making pottery today and taking a lump of clay and shaping something beautiful. Michael John's mom Jean and sister Sherri will be back home. We really appreciated their making such a good meal for us all. Sherri gave us some helpful advice about pain control. We were like lumps of clay just watching and feeling we should be doing something.

I think Sandra and Randy are on the move. What a unexpected surprise that Sandra did so well flying [maybe she does have a bit of her dad in her after all}

I think Rick maybe in Edmonton but not much news from him or his offspring.

Mary and Michael John have a job of taking care of all the animals back home at the zoo at Sandra and Randy's Kim's Mike has not left for Invermere yet where he is hopeful that a job is waiting for him.

Even Jesus got hot and tired, hungry and exhausted and ask this strange woman who came alone and late in the day, to give him a cool drink! She also was exhausted, hot and tired, but she was also an outcast, looked down upon by the other women. She gave Jesus a drink and he gave to her new life. Her past did not matter because now she had good news to bring to everyone.

A simple gift of a drink of water proved to be life-changing. When I go visiting often people ask for a drink of water which may be just out of their reach and they are always so grateful. It is the simple things we do at home or at work, the little acts of kindness that mean the most!

Yes, I liked being a stay at home mom, any other dreams were forgotten. I think it would have been nice if at the end of the day there would have been a gold star placed beside my name.
No one says thanks for making the bed, or doing the laundry, or driving the children around, or reading stories, or cleaning up all the messes continually. I never expected it but I think it would have given my life a little more meaning! I am guilty of not expressing my appreciation for dad cleaning up after breakfast. He does a great job and I feel so happy seeing it so clean when I come back from my walk. Thanks dear! We make a good team!

What do you think?

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