Sunday, November 9, 2008


Dad and I went out to the Art's Center and enjoyed the music of the 60's. Elvis did not look much like Elvis but he sounded like him. Johnnie Cash looked and sounded just like him. It was a fun evening as we celebrated Peter's birthday.

Carol took the birthday girls out to a musical mystery play, also to thank them for house painting.
It took several try's to get them to be able to go out together. I know Theresa and Leah and Sandra went and maybe Kim and Mike and Mary and Michael John.

Dad really wants to buy another camera so then we can really take great pictures.

Last week we had two groups meeting in our house. They would totally disagree on some parts and some interruption of the Bible. They are good friends and we have fun with each group.
After all is said and done how important is the story of Adam and Eve?
I think we do have to be careful that it is not about being right but listening to what others believe with openness.
[This is larry not at all!]

I do think that evil has a voice and we need to know it.

The meaning and purpose of life are great mysteries and it is good to share with one another.
None of us know how long we may live but we know the importance of trying to live each day each moment with Generous Courage; which for me includes being passionate about what I believe.

Both dad and I are not walking as good as we did and certainly the fear of falling is a reality.
We come face to face with the reality of our immortality hoping that it is awakening within us new life.

What do I want to do with the rest of my live. My prayer is that I can love unconditionally especially when I do not understand the eccentricity of others!

We all sing different songs but the important thing is to learn to sing in harmony!


Steady-as-rain said...

Did you and Dad get up and dance? :-)

Did Jesus ever refer to Adam and Eve? I don't think so.

I was reading an article in the NY Review that said of Jesus," ... against Roman and Jewish law he proclaimed a universal gospel of just and redemption based on interior faith...". I think that is accurate and is the important thing about Jesus: No priests, no religious dogma/law, no pharisees, just a private striving to reach the God shape.

beth bennett said...

I would agree with that but humans have trouble with getting along so we try to figurte out what secret Jesus had.