Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Christianity has been clouded by poor theology and rigid fundamentalism so that the beauty of God's amazing grace has been distorted. Somehow; when we sing the song "Amazing Grace" all the misconceptions are lifted.

Life is full of questions; many have no answers. We question ourselves; our motives and our fears and insecurities. Another song tells of melting the clouds of sin and sadness away. I could not capture on the camera the beautiful pink of the sunset because it disappeared so quickly.

Words capture some of the mystery that surrounds us but prayer can lift us above the harshness of life so that for a moment we float free above the clouds and feel the warmth of the sun healing and restoring life.

I believe that Jesus told stories to stimulate our imagination and teach us to value our emotions and to let our painful experiences help us have compassion four others. Our memories are woven into our soul so that we learn from the past but allow new birth to free us.

Every Religion has it's truth but most of us fail to live out this truth.

When Jesus was baptized the white dove symbolized the transformation of his life that forced him to struggle with temptation before he was able to teach and live out of the truth of God!
Many books have been written and are still being written explaining what he really said and why.

We can be lost in intellectualizing and verbalizing and explaining when all we need to do is admit we are lost and be guided by the Spirit of Jesus that calls us to help the poor and heal the sick.

My faith has helped me discover my own worth and blessed my life with a desire to continue searching and learning especially with others. My faith has blessed me with dear friends.
I have known depression and joy, I have and am still struggling with health problems but I have found peace and fulfillment waiting for me when I look up and above the reality of what my physical eyes see and see with the eyes of the heart!

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