Monday, November 24, 2008


I am writing down some thoughts just for myself.

Although Christianity is the center of my being and all that I am draws me deeper into my faith.
Words cannot describe the feeling that is with me as soon as I wake up knowing there is Someone that waits to be with me. I make my coffee and settle in my big chair with my prayer list. Today my prayers will be for dad to get the help and advise he needs for this growing cancer on his lip. It is very painful and noticeable. It often appears that doctors do not take great notice of things until they look bad.

In the silence of the early morning I do not even notice the sunrise that gradually fills the sky. I try to listen to Jesus whispering with me as we pray together.

As I pray down my list of family and friends and my church list I am aware that so many people on our church list are having a lot of suffering. I repeat their names slowly as I pray for their faith to be strengthened and their courage and hope renewed each day. I pray for healing;
for suffering to be relieved and for endurance and courage to be the gift of God,s grace for that day.

I believe that only the spirit of Jesus can enter deep into their suffering. Some do not like the cross as a cymbal of our Christian faith but it is at the cross where we experience the compassion of Jesus and we see the love of God poured out for all who suffer. In death there is life.
Jesus walks through the valley of the shadow of death with us and protects us from fear.

My faith is simple and it fills my soul with peaceful moments that I long to take through the day but I know that is impossible as my mind is working on other problems that I need to act upon.
But for a moment I allow peace to surround me and bless me.

I am reminded of the moment I walked forward at church and felt the coolness of the oil on my skin. I was not aware of the minister nor of anyone else only a pure sense of joy.

Religion has it's traditions with profound complexity with "the ancient rhythms of my faith".

It all comes back to heaven's song singing over us until we feel it stir within us.

Jesus loves me and you and everyone all over the world.

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