Saturday, November 1, 2008



Last night the street was alive with little children dressed in crazy costumes running from house to house. Parents strolled along casually behind them. I was excited waiting for them to come. The first little boy was about three and he was so happy he was jumping up and down and laughing and having a great time. Our neighbor brought her little one not yet two over dressed as a little red beattle bug. I think it is nice when it is a neighborhood avent. The elderly couple across the street where the first to turn their lights off and a half hour later we did the same. Two hours is plently to be jumping up and down answering the door.

This morning it is dark and quiet and empty.

I have changed in my outlook of Halloween over time. I have had very negative feelings about all the ugly costumes and grim decorations.

Seeing my great grandchildren all excited about their costumes makes me see it differently.

We have awesome grandchildren who listen to our stories with attentive grace. I love the word grace that to me expresses life-giving potential.

As grandpa and I find our lives changing our stories are the most precious things we have to share. I am reminded that we are all uniquely flawed and uniquely Gifted bearers of the life of God's spirit. Thomas Moore says "the soul is a community of many interior persons." I believe that among them is a spiritual being waiting to be set free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The National Post has an article about a Street That Never Sleeps because alledged criminals living with their parents have brought violent crime that includes drive by shootings etc. to their quiet cul-de-sac. Surveillance cameras have been mounted on posts.