Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have never belong to a reading group other than Bible studies. I have learned a fair amount about religion but the truth that haunts us all is that the mystery at the center of it all will never be exhausted and we all read into this book our own understanding. I want something that shakes the foundation of life so vigorously that I cannot stay the same.

I like to picture Jesus as surrounded by a group of people and they are laughing together.
Life is a divine comedy "someone said" and we need to be humble enough to laugh at our mistakes. Children love to laugh and have fun and Jesus did say become like a child that enjoys life and sees it as an adventure. Discover who you really are; an individual first, before we can give to others and learn form our relationships.

There are always stories within any story that give it depth and cause us to reflect on our own lives.

Now, I have always loved mysteries but I find it hard to find good mysteries that challenge me but do not disgust me. So, for my book club you do not have to read all the chapters. I am just reading the chapters where my detetive sorts through the evidence and ignore all the disfunctional background that causes people to hate and to kill.

I have a feeling I would not fit it with most book clubs. Years ago we joined a group of super intelectuals listing off their grand acomphishments of reading. At that time I read
Perry amasson and Miss Marple stories. With four children it was hard to consentrate and really all I wanted to do was escape into a simple story that did not require too much thought.
I think after the first night of sharing what we read I never talked again.


Anonymous said...

Goodness - "I want something that shakes the foundation of life so vigorously that I cannot stay the same." Are you an anarchist or something! A nihilist? Such a radical literary goal!

The best detective stories are all about the detective and hardly about the crime at all. So I agree with you.

Tarzan is still my favourite literature.



beth bennett said...

I cannot believe I wrote that.

I guess sometimes we write more out of our imagination than reality.