Thursday, May 27, 2010


Each blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers,"grow, grow."
So do we. The Talmud.

I love these beautiful yellow roses and have brought several into the house to enjoy
This is the garden at Chalsea gardens where Shirley Fowller lives.

The beauty of spring fills us with hope!
I am not a natural born gardener like our daughter Sandra, in fact I do not know where she gets this creative energy from, but she creates beauty in abundance in her gardens.
I am fortunate that I have her help and in the fact that most plants love to grow and bloom. I never pour over gardening books or plan what I am planting. I am one of those people who forget to put on their gardening clothes and end up with dirty, broken nails. I pull up good flowers and let the weeds grow! But I have a colourful show all the same.

Is there hope for me Sandra?

I am so thankful that dad is doing so much better I believe it gives us all hope that we can improve!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Theres Grampa, Cant wait to have a summers lunch on the new patio.