Sunday, May 2, 2010


Their our many things that influence our daily spiritual lives.

What a surprise to have Sandra come and work so hard on my garden. She has a good eye for colour and depth and beauty. Gardening will never be a passion for me as it is for her but I am gradually learning and being influenced by her love for it.

I was surprise that dad wanted to walk to the shops; so we walked through the little park and i took pictures of a pink dogwood and the stream we crossed over. We came home and had a message to skype the boys in Melbourne. We got caught up in their adventures and it was great to see Ken's boys all together.

We did not make it to the funeral but heard they were expecting over a hundred people. My prayers were with the family.

I am keeping my life simple which is not always that easy. There are things that I would like to do and that would help me feel more apart of the community of faith. I believe that we are influenced by the love "we find ourselves in" that becomes our story.

I am looking forward to church and maybe a trip to Carol's with Sandra or maybe just a walk in the Watershed Park with dad.

I am being influenced in my reading and searching by an x-Catholic Priest, a scientist, a medical doctor, a Buddhist nun. I started out on a straight path but have found it branching out and then coming back to the path where I started.

Each one challenges me to discover what I really believe.

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