Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Our neighbors have discovered a not so "cute" raccoon in their attic. They may look cute but evidently they are very destructive and annoying. They rip off the shingles and make a nest in your attic. There they have babies and are impossible to get rid of without the experts. If they die in your attic or in your heating duct the smell is atrocious. They ate all our fish in our pond and have again distroyed the hose that keeps the water flowing. They have dug up all the lawns in the neighborhood to get at the grubs and it has been a sorry sight.

Should we feed them?

I have just been praying for people on our prayer lists with very grave problems. A tiny little baby with a very serious infection, a child with leukemia and another that needs a serious operation for internal displacement of organs and many other illnesses.

Life can be annoying but the health and well-being of our children and grandchildren is really what matters. I am so happy with ALL our family!

This morning is a nice morning to walk down to Zellers with dad. I am so happy he can now do some walking and so we can go together. Sometimes we have to make choices and I will miss the U.C.W. outing but I know they will have a grand time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now just imagine what the raccoons would have to say about what we have done to their neighbourhood. I know, easy for me to say, mine have not done any damage...yet