Monday, May 10, 2010


Two of the greatest joys in my life are reading and writing. What I read is like the reflection in the water, it has an influence on my life. The books I choose also reveal who I am allowing to speak into my life; to stir up my imagination, to have a voice in my thoughts. I can experience life through the ideas expressed by the author and even put myself into the story. There have been great efforts by rationalist philosophers to encompass the vastness of the human experience to present us with a very human view of the world. We find truth in paradox's that for me leads me accept the challenge of suffering and inequality of life with faith in and trust "in the apparent randomness that the Creator presents us with".

As I look back on the celebration of this past mother's day I have had an abundance of joy in talking to and being with family. I, like all mothers miss those who are not able to be with us. My thoughts go to Tasha and Justice who have now disappeared from our family for reasons we do not know. It is not an easy thing to become part of a family where people get to know the real you, with all your quarks and quirks.

The Biblical narrative gives us a prospective on a community of believers, or I should say a nation, who acted as one in straying and returning time and time again to the voice of God who spoke to them in the wilderness. I have found comfort in their stories and yet the Biblical narrative is not enough for me in this complicated world of change. As we grow older we find change harder. The pain in our modern world is the same and yet different than the Biblical reality so that truth has to be bigger and more encompassing.

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