Monday, May 31, 2010


Believe it or not my lady bugs are multiplyimg. They are very loving. I am happy when I see them on my roses.

It is raining pretty good here right now so wonder if dad will go for a walk to-day.

We did not drive over to Justice's birthday we were sorta a last minute invite. Port Moody is so far and driving in rush hour would not be fun. Sent Justice a card I was under the impression she had moved so I thought it was the wrong address. Tasha is going to have us all over for a barbie.

Had just the usual day, cut the lawn, pulled weeds, went to the library and to Value Village and bought some vases. Dad got a very smart sweater and I got high heels.
Certainly cannot wear them today I have a million things to do, inside and out!
Tried walking in them and I can't. How did I every do that?

No we would not drive to Mission for a lacrosse game.

I slept in today until 5:30 and put the picture on last night after an hour looking for it. It was on the news how they were spreading these lady bugs around town on the roses. I just happened to have my camera handy.

Today is undecided. The future of the church and Christianity is undecided too! There is no way that people will accept the reality of heaven and hell. Hell was not an influence in my life but heaven was certainly the place to be.

Socialism and market capitalism have failed and the drive for control of the oil is what drives power and is corrupting our world.

But there will always be those of us who are open to the spirit and there will be many paths this will lead to.


Anonymous said...

That was on the news about the lady bugs? So maybe I did not have to buy them, they would have just donated to me. Well, I did put your jacket and Theresas bag on our front porch, so if you drive by you can pick them up. Pouring rain at my house but totaly dry here at work. At least last night was nice.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a plague of lady-bugs to me -- an infestation!

