Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yes, I have a few, but don't we all. And if I forget dad helps to remind me. "Do you know that you forget to buy the lids back on jars tightly?" I will have to try harder. It would seem easy enough to do but i have my mine on more important things.

It is so much easier most of the times to see our own faults when the faults of other jump right out before us. Black and White.

Now we have been having problems with cars parking all around us and in front of us; but this was just a little too much. I do not know if the picture tells the story but the nose of the car was actually blocking the driveway; and it stayed there and stayed there.

I am not good at driving and especially backing up so dad put a note on the windshield. Now it just so happens I am reading a book about a speaker who was a teacher, then became a preacher, and then a speaker and before he came to speak yellow slips of paper were put on cars warning that this man was a liar etc. Yes, these were good Christian people afraid of seeing their faults.

I think that there were faults on both sides of the Israeli and pro-Palestine clash; and this too seem to be caused by fear and the need to control. I have mixed feelings about protesters.

When my children would come in complaining no one would play with them I would say "Well whose fault is that? Are you playing nice?" I should have been more understanding but being busy doing the cleaning or laundry made me unsympathetic. I could have done more listening and learned the real problem.

I have just received all my blood work back and it is looking good. I have decided if I am not happy with my doctor it may be partly my fault, just a little, so I will have it done in 6 months. He seems to like this.


Anonymous said...

Have what done in 6 months? And yes, the picture shows quite well that this person is not parking properly.

Anonymous said...

So what did they say when they came to move their
car.? I used to have that when u lived in moonee ponds.
It was very annoying.