Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I was very disappointed when we came home yesterday and found a note from Leah saying they had dropped by. Smart girl she had found the door key so well disguised and came in to leave us a note. We had gone to drive by our old house and i wanted to walk down by the path down below our house where the grandchildren and I went for so many adventures in the woods.

It was disappointing the tress had fallen down and and it just seemed different but then it takes young eyes and legs to run up and down and see all the interesting things that they get excited about. So we had a much slower walk and I was walking down memory lane as I walked.

Then we went on to visit an older lady just out of hospital having had a heart attack. She has a beautiful soul and a very positive spirit and we all love her. I worked with Mary the first time I was on U.C.W. I think I was secretary at that time. Lots of memories of the fun meetings we had preparing for our meetings. They were happy get together. We enjoyed each other.

I was also disappointed that i did not make it to Boundary Park pond on my walk. My mailman has been missing me as we often pass as I come back along SunWood. Today I will do it.

Finished two chapters of the book I started but I think I am going to start reading about the blood and sacrifice that went into making the Snowy River Hydro-Electric Scheme. We went there with Ken I believe. I wish I had known more about it then.

By book talked about Luther and Calvin who had visions for the Christian faith.
A preacher talks to a small group of pilgrims setting out to a new lamd in 1620 who already had had a hard road trying to live out their faith.

Pastor John Robinson, said, "If God reveal anything to you by any other instrument [than these men of the past, be ready to receive it. For they failed to see further into a deeper truth. This is a misery much to be lamented.

"For though they were precious shining lights in their time, yet God has not revealed his whole will to them. And where they now living, they would be ready and willing to em brae further light, as they had received."

Faith must be a growing and a struggling and a reaching for more light and truth,


Anonymous said...

Thank - you for bringing more light into my life! Love Jane.

Anonymous said...

Yes we stayed in the little town of Cooma , Where most of the workers settled .
