Saturday, June 26, 2010


There are many things that it is good to forget. Especially what cannot be changed.
As a child I struggled with forgetfulness that caused me to lose things like mittens and books and jackets and especially I lost the sense of time. Spiritually we have lost the swareness that we came from love and that love grows within us.

We are falling in love with the doggies Leah left, Sophia and Molly. They were sad to see her go but have been enjoying our little garden and being able to run in and out. We are planning to take them for a walk through the water shed park and join the many other dog walkers.

We have fun at our block party meeting some new neighbors and cooking our hot dogs on their barbecues. It is feeling more like summer so it is time not to forget to put on sun tan lotion and watch out for mosquitos that find us tasty to eat!

And you forget how miserable allergies can make you feel, those itchy eyes and runny nose!

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