Sunday, June 6, 2010


We look into the distance and we dream and we wonder.

Yesterday I had plans, nothing new in that, yet none of them where carried out. We were delighted to have a visit from Sandra and Randy and later Cathy; who had been at a baby shower for baby Uri, dropped by. I wanted to finish a quick read of my library books but my mind could not even settle on that. Dad did take it easier so that was good.

When I look out upon the ocean and it seems like the world stresses forever and here I am in this moment of time.
Is there an ultimate reality? Is there One Truth?
Is there "The Ground of All Being"?

Christianity maintains it does have a foundation upon which we base our truths. The writer Paul Tillich points out that there is a infinite center of human life that points to the power or the spirit that calls forth all living creatures; an inner reality. This seems to be where modern writers are taking us even further beyond the transcendental, external, personal God to a Being that breaths life into us and opens for us the very meaning of the existence of life.

Christianity recognizes that that Jesus was in touch with this ultimate reality that spoke so powerfully it offend the religious leaders of his day. My garden right now seems to have a mind of its own as it grows and spreads and yet there is a harmony and a unity that gives it beauty. How can there be so many different varieties of flowers and plants and trees and rocks etc.? Each beautiful in their own way yet magnificent when rocks form a mountain and flowers a garden and trees a forest. We are just guests or visitors here on this earth given the responsibility to looking after it. Sadly when oil spills happen like in the Gulf of Mexico we are all horrified at the results. When one ship is invaded by another killing and causing disaster like the Israels did to the activist bringing aid to the Palestine country which has been blockaded.

We never seem to learn.

We feel saddened by the world of violence and disrespect that we see around us. If I turn from the shore and look not very far down the street; in fact in the alleys just behind the big buildings I see the poor pushing their buggies full of odds and ends. They seem strangely happy. Like when I offer our friend a few bottles and cans I have collected he is grateful.

More grateful than a gift certificate for the Safeway.

My reality is different than all of theirs and yet I find happiness in simple things to. I treasure the visits with my family. I treasure the times dad and I snuggle together to watch our favorite shows.

Today we are off to Gracepoint Church to enjoy a different type of service and a different type of message! The message within the message is always about loving and sharing and being thankful and caring.


Anonymous said...

The kernel of truth in your last sentence resonates within me. Amen. Geof is coming to Crossroads today. l really appreciate it when we go together to church. love Jane

Anonymous said...

Where was that photo taken mum ?
I feel the israelies are losing lots if friends over their
Gaza blockaid. We even expelled an Israelie diplomate
last week. ( Isreal used Australian passports when they
murdered some people. )

Anonymous said...

Dad is totally against the Israelies and I am now agreeing with him. There is so much lying and cheating it makes me feel sick.

That picture was from the front of the Sylvia Hotel.

love mom