Sunday, June 13, 2010


I woke up this morning.Sunday June 13, feeling gloriously alive! I took a deep breath and air filled my lings and I said to myself "good breath." We take so much for granted just the fact of breathing we do so easily without any thought. Today I will have a good walk down to the pond to take a picture of the ducks, I have not done that in ages. I took a picture first of the happy sun, had my coffee and wrote in my blog. Dad was waking up so I informed him of my plan. I said "I will take my cell phone" and he said "O why bother'" So I did not bother because it happened to me upstairs and I was down stairs. I got about half way when I realized I was too tired. It had been a busy day the day before so I turned back. Somehow dad had just started out to pick me up and we missed. I went down Scott Road as I said I
would but he had gone down Sun Wood road. Luckily he had his cell phone so I could phone and say I was home again.

We had a visit from Randy and Sandy just checking to see if we had gone to church or not; although they denied this. I tried to do some cleaning up in the house. I know I make messes but so does dad; so between the two of us we are very messy people.

My new confidence that I could climb Mt. Everest had been deflated so I decided I would stay home from church and read my book "A New Kind of Christianity". It is now after four and I have just read the first page. Yes, I believe we need to do something new to stir up faith and hope in ourselves and in others. Faith in the church is falling and although people may want something real and meaningful they do not see going to church as spiritually rewarding. Suddenly the faith of our forefathers did not fit into real life. I am finding more and more books being written about this need for Christianity to change,

Life was so much simpler in my growing up days. God was God and He was love and He was good! Respectable people went to church wearing their Sunday clothes. You obeyed your parents and you did not waste food. We were thankful for what we had because butter and sugar were rationed. My brother helped dig a victory garden as the war was very much on people's minds. My dad's family were back in England and we heard about the bombing and soldiers dying and how evil the Germans were.

One day Guilt came to town in the words of a fiery Evangelist who told me I was a sinner and not a Christian at all. I needed to be saved. I was filled with fear of God for the first time. I was about 10 so I bravely crept forward all alone to knell and to ask forgiveness and to receive the love of Jesus into my heart! I remember that night to this day very clearly.


Theresa Rose said...

I am glad you are feeling better grandma. still very important you figure out what caused your breathing troubles... we need you to be healthy and vibrant. take care of yourself. Love yah!

Anonymous said...

Thank you I am happy to be feeling better and think maybe it was just a bad dream. I told the doctor I just had a few bad days. Anyway I am getting checked out so whether I admit it or nor I was a bit worriedThank you for loving me. love grama

Anonymous said...

Monday morning and all I see so far is Sunday news? Did you ever get more then one page read? Randy and I had a nice day, cut the grass and washed my car. He managed to stay awake all day which was hard as he had only had maybe 10 hours sleep since Thursday. I will check back later for todays installment.