Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today the moss will grow under my feet. It is wet and miserable and I do not feel like walking; of course I sould tell dad that is when you shoud do it. Maybe we will walk down to the shoe store later.

My latest find from the library drawn from major sacred Scripture of the world and various schools of philosophical thought, as well as from scientists, artists, historians and others.

There is a mountain of information for me to look through. It seems we cannot keep ten commandments what hope do we have for all these. All though I am sure they are more like suggestions. Some one with a legal mind must have produced this huge book that I gave to dad to carry out of the library. I think it is going to be jolly good fun and not at all guilt producing. I hope.

Today I am late because I was running to the bathroom all night. Dad mumbles in a sleepy voice "you are not having a good night are you." I graciously refrained from hitting him with a pillow instead mumbled "no I am not." By own fault how was I to know a little pill could work so thoroughly. But on the other hand I could not remember if I had taken a pill so I took another one. Enough for now.

We are looking forward to having supper with Cameron to-night. I do not know what time. Just think Cameron has a new sister in the family. Mary I think will always be the favorite! But both will be very loved! ! !

As I was rereadimg about our search for God
I am reminded that actually God is on the look-out for us.


Anonymous said...

It is looking brighter now, so no more moss under your feet, go for your walk. We will see you later, Sandra

Anonymous said...

Guiness stout works good, but will help you sleep. Plus it has lots of calories.

